Research materials! So many research materials!

Also : Refer to essay “why reference?”




Research Research Research


Often times I’ve come up with ideas for drawings, paintings or project by myself, purely basing it on my current mind design. Research is often seen as a burden within our field of work – it’s often confused as being separate from the creative processes, thought of as a tool of copying etc.  On the Monday session, we were introduced to this new idea that research doesn’t have to be boring and it worked! I’m interested in researching my projects now more than ever. I’m interested to look deeper into themes and explore beyond the surface.


On Tuesday, we were presented with a short ‘Quirky” text which we then had to interpret into three drawings. We dissected the text and spoke about what that text communicates to us as individuals before we carried on to visualize our concepts.

I was very skeptical of this task – it seemed uncomfortable and problematic, which is precisely why it was so successful. This task gave me the opportunity to realize my habit of the need to make sense of everything – to tie it all together. I explored the text in a more expressive and broad way, which game my work substance and made it personal.


The British Museum: Another challenge of 50 drawings, this time with the additional complexity of 3 different materials(topics) per drawing.


photo credit – my own

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